Data Elements: ucUserControlBookReviews.aspx Back to all genres Divine Spirit Speaks: A Guide for the Bended Ear Featured Review Author Karen Njeri King Publisher Author House Pages 114 pages ISBN 9781546272168 Purchase Buy On Amazon An excerpt from Divine Spirits Speak: A Guide for the Bended Ear FRIENDSHIPConflict and battle do not serve as a base for friendship. If these exist, then become more introspective and wiser about your choices of friends. Keep oneself open to learn and differentiate relationships. These are never rash decisions; it takes meditative thoughts, introspection, and time. Think about each other's backgrounds and experiences. Don't judge; merely observe to understand. It can be traumatic to lead with your heart. Life should always be guided by your spirit first. This is why meditation is an important influence on your development. You are able to hear a voice other than your own or those who do not mean you well. This practice will safeguard your heart and develop your spirit. Love Us unconditionally and you will learn your lessons with ease and not trauma. Be still so that you can gain an understanding of choosing friends in your world. Add a Comment Select a Rating 1 2 3 4 5