Harlem Book Fair 2019: The Art of Re-Invention.
It's been twenty wonderous years of promoting Black books and writers. Wonderous...and challenging! You have all heard the new catchword "disruption". It was applied originally to technology. The advances and speed that technology has brought to business still have us reeling. Little did we know that technology would seep so deeply, disrupting even the social fabric of our lives. "Re-inventing" oneself is now the new black! We, at the Harlem Book Fair, have been buffeted by the same waves of change - and we feel good about our brand-new self!
I invite you to participate in the upcoming 2019 Harlem Book Fair. What will make 2019 new and amazing? For starters, we are working on moving the book fair to a more heavily-trafficked commercial Harlem venue. This means lots more people will see your work. We have launched the VideoBook Channel. Those authors you have watched on video can be seen - in person - at the Harlem Book Fair. And now, the book fair will be live-casted on social media through the VideoBook Channel wherever an internet connection is available. Finally, the QBR website has been re-designed, modernized, and is oozing with book and author information! Did I say we feel good about our re-invented self?
We will launch our 21st-year with another full day of book, authors, panels, poetry, and music. Hold the date! We will expand our author and book promotions throughout the year and will include the HBF Exhibitor submission form in January of this year. As in 2019, I am asking for your program ideas so that you may better promote your work, either as a reading author, a panelist or a workshop leader. If you are coming as an exhibitor, please fill out our 2-minute Author & Exhibitor Survey! Please forward your ideas as soon as possible. We have streamlined our presentation venues and will select the best of your ideas.
Our websites are being updated (www.qbr.com; www.harlembookfair.com) and are available for promotional advertising placement. You need not attend the festival to promote your book to the many who will visit, but registered exhibitors will benefit from a very generous discount (from already low pricing). We will also display your book for those who are unable to attend in person. Please email me at advertising@qbr.com for additional information.
We continue to look hard at what has worked and what has hindered the festival. 2019 will bring new voices, new partners, and a better Harlem Book Fair attendee experience, which I am certain, will translate into a better experience for you. I will be sending periodic updates via newsletters (make sure that you are signed up!) but feel free to visit the site to check what's new.
This is your first opportunity to secure your space at the 2019 Harlem Book Fair. If you cannot download the Exhibitor Application Form, contact me and I will list you and ensure your early registration pricing.
While Marty Berg will field all of your registration questions (917.406.1727), feel free to call (914.231.6778) or contact me with all promotional questions. I promise to answer you personally. See you in July!
Max Rodriguez, Publisher & Founder QBR/The Black Book Review Harlem Book Fair The VideoBook Channel